
Tournaments restricted to BIL members only are held every day. They fall into three different categories:

Teaching Tournaments

These are generally 5 or 6 boards Directed by the Teacher. Often they use pre-selected boards specially generated to demonstrate the lesson topic that follows in the feedback session.

When listed in the Tournament Room, these are named using the teacher's BBO name and are designated as "teaching". There is no charge. Be sure to read the Tournament Rules, often the teacher will upload information to help.

These are not competitive; you play in these as part of the learning process. Check the Table description, as some of these are System specific and some are skill level specific.

At the end of the playing of the hands the teacher will open a Teaching Table in the BIL to which all members are invited to attend — there is no charge for this.

FUN Tournaments

These are listed using the titles the Director has chosen for them. They are directed by fellow members who have Directing experience and have attended a course in online directing and using the BBO tournament software.

They are free to play in and are meant to be for the enjoyment of competing in a non-stressful environment with your peers. Each Director has his or her own "rules". Some use predealt hands to feature a specific topic.

Pay for Tournaments

Entry fee is $1. Supporting these supports BBO and the BIL. You need to have a balance in your BB$ account (Main Lobby > Manage your BB$ and MB $ Accounts > follow the instructions). The entry fee is deducted by the software after the tournament starts.

Every Pay for Tournament awards BBO Masterpoints. Details of the awards are in the BIL Library. Details of the rankings can be found on BBO (Main Lobby > Useful Links and Information > BBO Masterpoint Tournament Organisations > BIL > BIL Rankings).

Common Rules

All BIL tournaments are subject to:

The schedules for all BIL tournaments are accessible 24/7 on the BIL’s Event Calendar. Do not attempt to Log In — just click on the word BILBridge to open the calendar in the Month view.

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